Success Stories

If you would like to share your story about adopting a Guardian Angel Rescue dog, please email us at and it will be featured on this page. Please include photographs, if you have them.

BiscuitBiscuit is a great addition to our family. He has a loving and upbeat personality and is quite the runner. Going to the dog park a couple of times of a week is now part of our routine. We all love him and couldn't be happier with him. Thank you both again for introducing him to us and the valuable work you do on behalf of animals like Biscuit.~ Mark & Family

SadieJust wanted to give everyone a great success story about our little girl Sadie. We have an 11 year old black lab named Molson who we are very attached to. We could not imagine our lives without a dog in it. Knowing that our Molson may have only a few years left with us before he goes to doggie heaven, we made the decision to start looking into getting another black lab. after checking in with some breeders, we felt we would instead ask around into possibly adopting a dog who deserved a second chance. After mentioning this to my brother in law, he called his friend who knew of a couple rescues. within 2 hours we were in contact with Gina. We originally wanted another male, but upon Gina sending her first email with a picture attached, I knew she was the one. After sending it to my wife,2 boys, and Molson, it was unanimous. We wanted to be Hershey's family. we decided Sadie would be her new name. We picked her up on August 18th, 2012 and have had her a little over 3 months. Gina had estimated her age to be about 4 months of age. We still can't believe someone would abandon her, or any dog for that matter on the side of a road. From her bad start in Kentucky, to the second chance she got with Guardian Angel Rescue, to her forever home in NH, she has traveled quite a bit. We all agreed that her birthday would be celebrated on the day we picked her up. She is a beautiful little girl who loves attention. She loves to play with Molson and other dogs. She loves to chase sticks, balls, chew toys, etc. Our 2 boys ages 8 and 6 love her to pieces. If she sees you pet Molson, she gets very jealous and will butt right in for a pat, hug, or kiss. She is a normal lab whose 2 favorite times of the day are feeding time. It is always a race to see who finishes first. Molson usually wins though. Everyone we know can't believe we lucked out yet again with another well behaved dog. Molson has gotten a little extra pep in his step since Sadie has been with us as well. We are now advocates of pet adoption, and recommend it for anyone. Many people have asked us about Sadie and how we got her. I contacted Gina about a friend who was looking for a certain dog. Although she didn't have anything at that time, she forwarded me some places that might. I am happy to report that our friend also used a pet rescue to get the dog he was looking for. He picked her up yesterday. We will continue to support what you do Gina. We can not thank you enough. This has been such a rewarding experience. We also gained a new friend in Gina. ~ The Thibeault's (Dave, Andrea, Richie, DJ, Molson, and Sadie)

MaxI adopted Max 10/15/11. I was a little nervous bringing in a 5 year old Rottie into my home, as my other rescues were never over 2. My 3yr old girl Cleo was devastated after her brother died only 3 months after she came to live with us. After my grieving was finally over I hit the internet and there he was. Max has been such an amazing addition to our house. He loves everyone and everything. He has such a personality, much like a child. He will not go to bed without his 'baby blanket'. It's the only thing he and Cleo ever disagree about (annoying sister hides it on him). Cleo loves having him around and follows him about the house. I can never go anywhere with one and not the other. They even tag along with each other on vet visits. The past year has been great and I couldn't imagine my house without him. Gina thank you for bringing him into my life. ~ Christine Selario 

RosieA year ago our old girl Sasha died the day before Christmas and within a few days we were lucky enough to have Rosie. She has come so far in a year. She is so happy and bounds around constantly wanting attention or help playing with her toys. She now only drools when she knows her food is being prepared. She still eats way too fast and always will but has better manners in the kitchen when I am cooking. The smell of meat or chicken cooking still gets to her but she lies on the kitchen floor just hoping for something. we sometimes give her and Duke leftovers as a treat and she is so happy, but this hasn't made her beg. she just lies on the floor while we eat. She still feels the need to lie near my shoes if I leave them downstairs but does it with a waggly tail, compared to the guarding she used to do. Her weight is good....she does a hard 3 mile walk 3-4 times a week and regularly goes to the barn and into the forest behind our place, which she absolutely loves. She sleeps on her doggie bed on the floor of our room but at weekends when we sleep in a bit, she jumps on our bed to say good morning as soon as she senses we are waking up. She is very cuddly. She is also great with other dogs even small puppies. A few weeks ago another dog on a walk started attacking her in a fearful way and she just looked at it and did nothing. She is a really good dog and we are very happy to have her in our family, and very thankful she landed up with you after a tough beginning. Best wishes to you all, and your 4-pawed friends, for a wonderful Christmas and New Year. ~ John, Jane, Brett, Duke & Rosie

ShivaPlease have a look at the attached picture for your website. The two girls obviously get along very well and I think Shiva is settling in nicely. Her leg is getting better and I am sure soon they will run around like crazy. Thanks again for all your good work you do for the dogs and it has been a pleasure working with you. Rescue as many dogs as you can! ~ Carsten Hils

MapleAll is going amazing with Maple. We adore her. I wanted to send you a few more photos. Our closing was delayed from this past Thursday, so we won't be moving into our new house until next weekend--I can't wait to take photos of her over there! Her and Buffo are getting along perfectly--he loves her! I couldn't have asked for a better addition and a better fit for our needs right now. I was on-the-fence about getting a puppy at first, but I could not possibly be happier! She is the perfect combination of energy and adorable cuddliness. ~ Best, Regina 

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