Success Stories

If you would like to share your story about adopting a Guardian Angel Rescue dog, please email us at and it will be featured on this page. Please include photographs, if you have them.

ZoeyHi Gina! I wanted to give you an update. I think we have an awesome success story that has come full circle. I left all three dogs together in the house for the first time yesterday. No issues at all, except for the fact that Jax opened up the door to the guest bedroom so they could both curl up on the bed together! I snuck around the porch and caught them before they saw me. Zoey has not chewed anything, she loves Brindie and Jax, and we all love her. It is so nice to watch her cozy up to one of us or one of the dogs. (Which she does constantly by the way.) Tears literally come to my eyes when I think about how her life has turned out for her. Thank you so much for everything you did. We bring Zoey everywhere we can and love to tell our story. We went to a harvest fest at the Ommegang Brewery in Cooperstown and she was such a hit. Parents were even letting her lick their babies!! She did steal a little girl's furry alpaca toy but we won't talk about that, no harm done. Too funny. Anyway...It it a great way to promote the breed and Guardian Angel Rescue. I hope to help spread the word. Your the best and always feel free to call. ~ Your friends, Tracy, Mark, Zoey, Brindie and Jax

StellaHi !! My name is Stella, but my Momma calls me Stella Boo. When she adopted me from Guardian Angel Rescue, she did not really like my name, until she found out that it means Star in Latin. It all started in NY where I was a happy, healthy 3 year old Rotti girl. One day my dad decided that he couldn't keep me anymore. I know that he meant well, but I am still a bit mad at him for that. I did not get much attention, but I still loved him. Auntie Gina from G.A.R. came and took me for a nice ride and I got my checkup and a bath. I am SO pretty and I know it. That is why I smile so much. The next day we went for another ride. I met some other Rottweilers and some nice people who kissed me and snuzzled me and used baby talk with me. I loved it so much I almost wiggled my stump off. When they asked me if I wanted to go for a ride, of course I said yes! The drive was a little scary for me. I missed my dad, but they had another Rottweiler with them though, and even though he was a big lug, Danny made me feel better. I snuggled on the lady that was going to be my new momma and went to sleep. When we got home, what a surprise! I had not one, but TWO rottweiler brothers. Athos was an old man at 13, but still managed to jump around and play with me a bit. I also had a sister. A real human sister!! She is six and loooooves to snuggle and play with me. Sometimes, I even let her dress me up and I go to tea parties. I don't know who Little Debbie is, but I wish they would let me have one of her cakes! My new life here took a bit to get used to. I have siblings to play with, a Momma and Dad that love me and hike with me. They even build a whole play yard for Danny and I to wrestle in. My momma keeps finding things about my personality that make her laugh and laugh... like when I sneak under her covers and sleep with my head on her feet in the night. Momma tested me the other day I think... we went for a walk in the woods and then Momma let me off my leash. She asked me "You wanna go HOME?" I jumped and smiled and ran right to the house with Danny. She told me I was such a good dog and she can't believe how fast I learn. I heard Momma say to Dad last night that Athos is really starting to show signs of his age lately. She was crying so I made sure to push my way under her arm and lick her. She called me a good girl and told me that maybe the Guardians Angels didn't rescue me, that maybe I was the angel that was going to help rescue her when she loses Athos. I am not sure what that means, because Momma is really good at finding stuff. All I know is that it is freezing cold outside today, and I get to snuggle on a fleece blankey with a full belly with my brothers, and watch my sister play Barbies (I like to steal them sometimes). I know this is my Forever Home now because everyone loves me. Even though I still miss my old dad sometimes, I love them too.

HeidiHeidi has been been wonderful - an exceptional addition to our lives. I just got in from bringing her outside to go... it's been about 30 years since I had a dog that could be without a leash (since I was a kid). She's so smart, and extremely "loyal" - she stays right by us. She's already come to know our house as "home" - when we take her for a walk, she just "knows" when we're approaching our home, and pulls us there. She is sweet, smart and energetic and very much loved! Thank you so much for rescuing her. She's definitely a member of the family, and here for the long haul :) Lots of love to you and your entire family! ~ Dan and Maryellen Furman

SawyerTonka whom we have renamed Sawyer, is doing wonderfully! There is absolutely not a bad thing I can say about him. From the first day we brought him home he settled right in like he knew this was his place. He is the sweetest most laid back pup I think I have ever seen! He doesn’t get into things that’s he’s not supposed to, he doesn’t get on the bed or furniture he doesn’t jump on people or counter surf and he rides perfect in the car, just sleeping in the backseat. All of these things he just does, it’s all him, we didn’t have to correct him or teach him, he just has perfect manners! He loves coming to work with me, he actually likes getting up on the grooming table, and is perfect for his bath, nails, ear cleaning and brush out! A groomer couldn’t ask for a better subject! We try to get him to doggie daycare at least once a week if not more. They all say how much they love him and how well behaved he is. We have also brought him to the local dog park quite a few times. Because he is so laid back and loves attention, I think he would be a perfect therapy dog. My plan is to do Canine Good Citizens training with him so he can be certified as a therapy dog. I think he would absolutely love visiting children and seniors at the hospital, and I know they would love him too! Thanks for choosing us to be Sawyers new family! We couldn’t have been luckier to have found such a wonderful pup! He truly is the perfect addition to our family. ~ Take care, Sarah

HunterWe want to thank you so much for bringing Hunter (Dylan) into our lives. He is the best puppy! I can't believe that family gave him up - but their loss is our blessing for sure!! House training went much better than I was expecting. We survived teething - who knew puppy teeth could do such things to a couch! Oh well!! He knows how to sit, we are still working on "off", but I think that is because he thinks he is a lap dog!! He fits right in with the rest of the family. He has met new dog friends of all sizes - his best doggie friends are a Belgian Brussels Griffon named Kiani - all 8 pounds of her and a Standard Poodle named Bailey. And he loves his new kitty brothers and the bunny too. He gets right up to the bunny cage and they stand nose to nose with Hunter's whole back end wagging like crazy. The old kitty tolerates him and the little kitty taunts him until they get a good game of catch me if you can going in the house. They take turns being chased- it is hilarious watching the cat chase this big puppy around! He is getting used to the horses and loves running around with the kids at the farm. At first he was a little nervous, but the horses are very patient with him and let him sniff around. Even the horses that are not so crazy about dogs are giving him a chance. My son Derek loves Hunter. They are best buddies! They play together all the time. I am thrilled that they will be growing up together. We are so lucky to have Hunter!! As I write this he is up on the bed sound asleep from a long day at the farm. He has just about doubled in size. We are taking bets about how big he is going to be when he is all grown up! Thanks again!!! We are all so happy to have him in our family. ~ Love, The Mercier family

MaiseyI just wanted to let you know how happy we are that Maisey is with us and part of our family. At first she was a little timid, but over the last two months she has really come out of her shell and showed us her wonderful personality. She is loving her new home and we are so thankful that you helped us rescue this wonderful pooch. ~ Thanks again! Stu, Jess, and of course Maisey

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